ACM is an umbrella organization for many Special Interest Groups (SIGs) covering all areas of computing (Artificial Intelligence, Security, Web Development, Mobile Development, etc. Each SIG holds weekly meetings to work on projects and educate its members. During the daytime, the office is a great place to hang out in between classes (i.e. we have arcade machines and soda). There are computers and free printing for members. You will also find many of your classmates and other students who have taken (or TA’ed) your classes in the past and are able to help you if you need clarification on a topic. There are also many corporate events scheduled such as tech talks (with free food!). Various large event organizational bodies officially come under ACM as well (i.e. HackIllinois and Reflections|Projections). At the start of each semester there will be an event called ACM Open House where you can learn more about each individual SIG and other affiliated groups. Lastly, you can spend time in the ACM office and join SIGs without being an ACM member (however, other benefits like printing, cheap soda, access to compute resources require membership).


1104 Siebel - The ACM Office

The ACM@UIUC office is located in room 1104 of the Thomas M. Siebel Center for Computer Science (SC) along the main hallway. ACM’s office space includes 3 rooms and limited access to the student projects and embedded real-time systems labs, all thanks to the Computer Science Department. The ACM Office is open from 9 AM to 5 PM most schooldays, and is manned by members of the Exec Board. Although our official hours are 9 to 5, members (especially the sysadmins) have been known to haunt the office until the wee hours of the morning. Stop in and join the ACM Up All Night Crew.

1106 Siebel - ACM Computer Lab

While there are computers in both 1104 and 1110, 1106 is home to the majority of the ACM Cluster. 1106 is frequently used for SIG dev sessions and tutorials. 1106 is also home to Merch, ACM’s own networked soda machine [thanks to SIGBot and Corporate Committee]. It also hosts ACM’s GPU cluster.

1110 Siebel - ACM Electronics and Robotics Lab

1110 is ACM’s electronics and robotics lab. It is home to many hardware-intensive SIGs which need extra space and gear to work on their projects. Among the groups that use 1110 frequently are SIGBot and SIGMusic.