Cross Listing

When registering for classes, you probably noticed several columns with names beginning with ‘XL’. XL stands for Cross List. An example of a cross listed course is Numerical Methods I. It has a course number of MATH 357, but it also has a course number of CS 357. This is useful when trying to sign up for classes with restrictions on when students of certain majors can register for the course. For instance, you would be able to register for CS 357 before an accounting major could. You will want to pay attention to the Cross List Capacity (XL Cap) when trying to get into a class. It is possible for a section to have seats remaining but be closed due to exceeding the Cross List Capacity. Most of the time, you will be able to get by ignoring whether or not a course is cross listed. However, it can prove very advantageous when you are trying to get into a popular course that is lucky enough to be cross listed with CS. With that said, it can also hurt you by causing the class to fill up before you can get into it (due to students from multiple majors trying to sign up).

Common Codes

Prefixes and Suffixes of class codes usually mean something.


The first number roughly maps to the year that a class is targeted (though there are quite a few exceptions) so 1XX classes are usually freshman targeted classes, 2XX Sophomore etc.


There are repeated suffixes to signify different things