Don’t be afraid to talk to your professors if you have any feedback (both good and bad) about them or the course. In most cases, as long as you talk to them in a polite and respectful way, they will be very receptive and take the feedback into consideration when planning the course for next semester (some will even modify their curriculum and apply your suggestions to the current semester). In some situations, you might be hesitant to talk to the professor directly. If that is the case, you can contact someone in the CS Department about the issue, and they can try to help deal with the situation and/or talk to the professor on your behalf. Finally, at the end of the semester, you will fill out a survey (ICES Form). This survey is completely anonymous, and is your chance to rate the professor and the course. You can also mention all of the good/bad feedback you might have. The professor will not see the results of the survey until after final grades have been entered. In short, the worst thing you can do is stay quiet and not share your feedback. Everyone loves positive feedback, and not sharing negative constructive feedback hurts you and everyone else taking the course. Sharing the feedback is the only way to cause things to change.