Many of you were probably accepted into a CS + X program (i.e. CS + Math, CS + Stats, CS + Linguistics, etc.). There are a few differences between these two programs. The first is the course requirements. The regular CS is in the College of Engineering and therefore must take Physics and Chemistry and a couple more CS Electives. The CS + X programs are in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and therefore they take their “X” classes instead of Physics/Chem (i.e. CS + Stats takes more Stats classes). Furthermore, only CS students in the College of Engineering can apply for the 5 years MS or MCS programs (staying in college for 5 years and coming out with a Masters in CS). The biggest myth about CS VS CS + X is the job opportunities. No recruiter I have ever spoken with really distinguishes between the two because both groups of students take the same primary courses (many of your peers will be from the opposite program).